中国好声音:袁娅维 - Crazy

  • 发布时间:2024-05-06 02:00:49 来源:
导读 【 中国好声音:袁娅维 - Crazy 】1、2012年9月21日晚,在中国好声音第一季第十一期中,浙江卫视《中国好声音》终极考核大幕开启。一开始
【#中国好声音:袁娅维 - Crazy#】

1、2012年9月21日晚,在中国好声音第一季第十一期中,浙江卫视《中国好声音》终极考核大幕开启。一开始,导师刘欢带领吉克隽逸,袁娅维,徐海星,权振东献唱 《AgainstAllOdds》率先点燃现场气氛之后,导师庾澄庆更是与爱徒大山,王韵壹,金池,吴莫愁带来《热情的沙漠》把气氛推向高潮。

2、之后终极考核正式开始,刘欢组和哈林组学员分别登场。刘欢组的第二轮考核中袁娅维对战吉克隽逸,袁娅维演唱的是Gnarls Barkley的《Crazy》。


4、I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind

5、There was something so pleasant about that phase.

6、Even your emotions had an echo

7、In so much space

8、And when you're out there

9、Without care,

10、Yeah, I was out of touch

11、But it wasn't because I didn't know enough

12、I just knew too much

13、Does that make me crazy

14、Does that make me crazy

15、Does that make me crazy


17、And I hope that you are having the time of your life

18、But think twice, that's my only advice

19、Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,

20、Ha ha ha bless your soul

21、You really think you're in control

22、Well, I think you're crazy

23、I think you're crazy

24、I think you're crazy

25、Just like me

26、My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb

27、And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them

28、Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun

29、And it's no coincidence I've come

30、And I can die when I'm done

31、Maybe I'm crazy

32、Maybe you're crazy

33、Maybe we're crazy


【#中国好声音:袁娅维 - Crazy#】到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助。

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